Trinity Academy Cathedral

Committed to progress

CPLD/SIS focus:
teaching, learning and leadership in maths
four terms

Trinity’s development programme for our teachers has been transformational. It has established a consistent approach and has supported all teachers to improve regardless of career stage. It has also encouraged a greater emphasis on teamwork and developing and refining pedagogical approaches to maths teaching. Students now enjoy maths much more and this comes through frequently in student feedback.
Rob Marsh, Principal, Trinity Academy Cathedral

Raising expectations

Following a programme of TIE support with GCSE leadership, planning and delivery along with free WYMH training, Trinity Academy Cathedral’s 2016 results were on the rise. The Cathedral team, therefore, decided to escalate the programme with a broader support and development package, comprising:

  • SLE input – weekly CPD in resource development and schemes of learning
  • NLE input – KS3 & KS4 maths provision review and introduction of manipulative resources.

With outcomes making further progress, the Cathedral team extended their TIE programme, working directly with a SLE for a total of four terms. Delivered over a total of 20 days, the SLE input was tailored to fit the participants’ needs. Content included the modelling of teaching skills and techniques, managing barriers and supporting metacognition.

Developing leadership now and for the future

The results at Trinity Academy Cathedral have been exciting for teachers, learners and trainers alike. Faced with both support and challenge, the Head of Maths is now a strong and effective leader who has shared his vision and strategically planned and monitored the route forward to make sure that the vision is achieved. Succession planning is therefore secure, with future leaders being trained to support the current leader in preparation for their own leadership roles later on.

Comprehensive progress

Continuing monitoring of teaching and learning shows that quality is now consistently strong – a result that is clearly reflected in the improved outcomes. Maths is a favourite subject in the student voice and regular surveys show that staff are confident with key techniques.

The rise in outcomes is both definitive and pleasing. P8 +0.55; Grade 4+ is 70% (above national) and Grade 5+ is 53%, all contributing to a basic figure for Grade 4+ rising from 47% in 2016 to 69% in 2018 and 5+ from 31% in 2017 (first year of Grade 5) to 42.4% in 2018. Both are now in line or better than NA, despite a sig– cohort on entry. Disadvantaged pupils score +0.24, corroborating good progress for this large group. 2018 results for key student groups: DP +0.24, females +0.31, males +0.76, HAPs +0.28, MAPs +0.69, LAPs +0.49, EAL +1.28. All contribute to an overall P8 of +0.73.