Train to Teach

We are working in collaboration with Calderdale and Kirklees Teaching School Hub and Yorkshire Rose Teaching Partnership to offer Initial Teacher Training through the National Institute of Teaching.

Train to Teach

Train to teach with our ITT Primary or Secondary programme to become a qualified teacher with a PGCE, QTS and 60 Masters credits! Our programmes are exciting, school-based training routes for recent graduates and career changers. You learn ‘on the job’ with school placements, excellent training and lots of support.

Get into Teaching

We work alongside the The National Institute of Teaching, over 57 partner schools, our MAT schools and MAT external initiatives to help you become the best teacher you can be. Our partnership as an Associate College of the National Institute of Teaching is further strengthened locally across Calderdale and Kirklees through our work alongside Calderdale and Kirklees Teaching School Hub based at the Ofsted rated Outstanding Shelley College and with the Yorkshire Rose Teaching Partnership based at Batley Multi Academy Trust.  Together we are able to offer expertise and experience from colleagues and schools across the full age spectrum from outstanding settings.

Our programme takes one year to complete and on average we have a 98% employment rate. You will be in school, teaching from the start, giving you the practical experience to feel confident in a classroom from the day you graduate as an ECT (Early Career Teacher.)

Got questions? Let’s chat!

Fill out the form below and our course leads will email you to arrange a date and time for a chat with our Primary or Secondary team. We can discuss any questions you may have, how our placement schools work, how your time will be divided on the course, entry requirements and much more.

We’ll email you to arrange a date and time that suits you!

Support you’ll receive

Within our course, your time will be divided between the TIE Hub and your placement schools. You will receive constant support from our primary and secondary leads, a school based professional mentor and a placement school mentor. We understand that it’s a big decision to become a teacher and so we want to ensure our trainees feel the support from our entire team at all times.

100% of our 2023 Trainees said they felt supported during their training year!

With a close-knit Institute of more than 57 primary and secondary schools across Calderdale and West Yorkshire and in collaboration with the The National Institute of Teaching, TIE has the expertise, resources and skilled support to put you ahead of the rest as you begin your teaching career. Check out our initiatives and partner schools that help to inform and support the development of our programme…

We also offer free transport on a Thursday from Halifax Train Station to our theory venue on a Thursday.

Your time on the course

During your time at the TIE Hub, you will learn alongside other trainees on your course while attending lessons lead by partner school speakers and TIE staff. We will focus on specific subject knowledge in your chosen topic, allowing you to become outstanding in your field. While, days in your placement school allow you to gain practical experience, applying the knowledge you’re learning on the course in real-time. On average, we have a 98% employment rate, with an incredible 100% of our 2023 trainees securing employment with their placement school, demonstrating the incredible professional relationships that can be fostered during our training course!

Hear from Calum Harris who is now a teacher at one of his placement schools, Trinity Academy Halifax

Trinity Academy Halifax take on School Direct trainees

Achieve top qualifications

Both our primary and secondary programmes lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), a valuable Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and 60 credits towards a Masters degree, should you choose to continue your studies. To qualify for most of our courses you need a 2:2 classification or above from your University degree & a passion for all things education.

Why choose our Programme?

Here are just a few great reasons!

  • 98% secure employment before the end of their course!
  • You’ll be in the classroom from day one, helping to make an impact.
  • 100% of our trainees felt supported in our 2023 cohort.
  • Achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in just one year.
  • Gain a PGCE and 60 credits towards a Masters degree.
  • Gain more classroom experience than on a ‘standard’ PGCE course.
  • Varied training techniques make your course engaging and super-effective!

How do I apply?

Take a look at our handy guide to help you through the DfE application process.


National Institute of Teaching:

We are now recruiting to train the next generation of teachers through the National Institute of Teaching‘s ITT programme. 

As a regional Associate College of this new organisation, we are excited to be offering a fully immersive school-centred programme – aspiring teachers will be in the classroom from the very start.

The National Institute of Teaching is an institution rooted in schools, dedicated to training teachers and school leaders at every stage of their careers. Our partnership ensures that our programmes are targeted to their participants, reflecting local contexts and drawing on local expertise – equipping our cohort of future teachers to inspire and develop children across the North and East of England.

The NIoT takes the view that every minute of teacher training should be valuable and extensive support is provided to help those newest to the profession at every step of the way.

You can read more about the NIoT programme here. Further questions? Email

Calderdale and Kirklees Teaching School Hub:

Shelley College, which is part of SHARE MAT, has been appointed as the Teaching School Hub for Calderdale & Kirklees. In September 2021, the 87 Teaching School Hubs (TSH) replaced the previous network of around 750 teaching schools.

The job of the Hub is to promote high quality professional development for teachers and leaders across the two local authorities. In particular, they have been asked by the Department for Education to support schools and colleges with the introduction of the Early Career Framework and the newly reformed National Professional Qualifications. They will also be available as the appropriate body for early career teachers, offering initial teacher training provision and signposting other professional development opportunities.

Yorkshire Rose Teaching Partnership:

For 2024 we are delighted to be able to announce that our partnership has grown and strengthened with the addition of The Yorkshire Rose Teaching Partnership. The YRTP is a very important initiative within The Batley Multi Academy Trust with a proven track record of offering outstanding Initial Teacher Training over a number of years.  Alongside this we are really pleased to be able to offer a further 15 schools through this partnership expanding our reach and capacity in North Kirklees and Bradford.  We are really excited to begin working closely with YRTP in expanding our offer for ITT across our region.

We are delighted to be partnered with outstanding professionals to deliver our ITT provision.

Each Wednesday morning, we have two webinar slots available for you to meet our Primary or Secondary leads, ask questions and see if our one-year school direct PGCE course is a good fit for you and your future goals. – Click to book a slot with Sue, Elaine or Katy!

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