Train to Teach: Primary Programme FAQs

What is a School Direct route into teaching?

We run a School Direct model. This means you are in school from day 1 to feel part of the team. This does not mean that you are teaching from the start. You have the opportunity to ease your way into teaching from September to October with observations, support the class teacher, team teaching 1:1 work, etc. After the October holiday, your assessed practice will begin.

This model gives you the chance to carry out theory sessions and then see the content delivered in practice at school. It is a more supportive, hands on approach that will assist your learning and understanding of teaching. Sessions will be a mixture of face-to-face and online.

Our schools are not just a list on a database, we carefully select thinking about the mentor, your subject and where you live.

There are 3 placement blocks that are delivered as a sandwich course (A/B/A). As you go through your teaching blocks, your timetable gradually builds


Yes, we offer 4 options:

Full time: From the last Tuesday in August to July. You would be in school 4 days per week with Thursday being your theory day.

We have three part-time options available. The non-negotiable day is Thursday (for training):

  1. 3 days in Year 1 (2 days at placement school + 1 training day) then 3 days in Year 2 (3 days at placement school). QTS will be possible at the end of the Spring Term in Year 2 (Easter 2025);
  2. 4 days in Year 1 (3 days at placement school + 1 training day) then 4 days in Year 2 (4 days at placement school) QTS will be possible at the end of the Autumn Term in Year 2 (Christmas 2024);
  3. 4 days in Year 1 (3 days at placement school + 1 training day) then 3 days in Year 2 (3 days at placement school). QTS will be possible at the end of the Spring Term in Year 2 (Easter 2025).

As part of the programme, all of your Core Training will take place in Year 1 for all part-time trainees. This means you are expected to attend all Thursday training in Year 1.  This will also mean all written elements of the PGCE (in partnership with University of Birmingham) are included in Year 1. The school experience element of the PGCE will take place across the whole of your part-time programme, therefore you will gain your PGCE at the end of Year 2.


Due to the additional time involved for the part-time programme the fees will be £6,935 per academic year (inclusive of VAT). In Year 2, fees are dependent on how many terms you are with us. Please see below for a breakdown of the full costs:

Route Number of days Cost
Full time 5 days/week:

·       4 in school; 1 training.

£9,250 over the year (3 terms)
Part time (4d/w) 4 days/week:

·       3 in school; 1 training in Year 1;

·       4 in school in Year 2 (1 term only).

£6,935 in Y1

£2,315 in Y2

= £9,250 over the 4 terms

Part time (3d/w) 3 days/week:

·       2 in school; 1 training in Year 1;

·       3 in school in Year 2 (2 terms).

£6,935 in Y1

£4,624 in Y2

= £11,559 over the 5 terms

If you are in receipt of a bursary or scholarship your payments will be spread across the full term of your training.


Your DBS will be part of your conditional offer as well as medical clearance. A conditional offer is a list of requirements you must fulfil, if successful onto the course, prior to your start date.

We will organise a DBS date (late May/early June) in which you must attend an arranged appointment and bring the following documents:

Original documents are required.

We require 2 proofs of ID to run your DBS check, we advise you provide your passport and driving licence (and a UK Birth Certificate if you have this). If you need to arrange for a replacement Passport or Driving Licence, please do this as soon as possible.

  • Passport
  • Driving Licence And/Or
  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of National Insurance (NI Card, P45 or P60)

Please note, the names on each document must match. For example, if you have a middle name on one document, this must be present on all documents. If you have changed your name, please provide proof.

1 Proof of Address:

  • Bank Statement
  • Utility Bill
  • HMRC/Local Government Letter

Any letters provided must be dated within 3 months and must include your full name (inclusive of middle name(s)/initial). We cannot accept online statements that have been printed at home. We advise you to visit your local bank branch to request a printed and stamped statement, or request for a bank statement to be posted to you.

Overseas Police Check – If you have been outside of the UK for more than 3 months, at any point in the past 5 years, we will require you to provide overseas police check for the respective country. If you do not have one of these, please begin the process of obtaining this as soon as possible. Further information can be found on the .GOV Website.

We will complete your DBS application form on our portal and pay for.

Throughout the year, our Thursday sessions are dedicated to supporting you with maths delivered through White Rose Maths, phonics and English knowledge delivered through Alison Stewart, Science (in a primary science specialist room) delivered by Hayley Wild and foundation subjects delivered by a variety of subject specialists who can offer you the most up-to-date knowledge.

You may apply for a TIE  place if you already have an honours degree, or if you’re due to complete your honours degree by the time you begin your TIE PGCE  programme.

It must be an honours degree of a 2:2 or above, but the subject for primary doesn’t matter. Your degree can be in any subject.

Download our application guide: click here

Download our interview booklet: click here

You can also look at our interview page: click here

Relevant work experience is not an essential requirement, but we strongly recommend it to know that this is the career for you. Get in touch if you need support with this.

Primary trainees will teach children aged 3 – 11 years. Your teaching workload will increase gradually in line with your developing skills and knowledge, and you’ll be supported every step of the way. Taking ownership of your own classes is an important aspect of your programme.

All trainees must be able to commute to our dedicated training centre in Halifax. If you need a placement school closer to your home location, please contact us and we will do our very best to source a placement school within your commute area.

If your school is willing to sign up as a School Direct partner, then we’re happy to accommodate specific requests for trainees already in employment. We recommend that you contact us to talk this through before you apply.

There is a wide range of support, student loans and bursaries which could make training to teach viable for you. Feel free to contact us for further advice and support.

Click here to access more advice.

Our trainees are available to speak to prospective applicants at a number of TIE events, so why not pop along and say hello? You can also take look at our Personal stories for some useful insights.

You will be assessed against the ITT Framework and the Teaching Standards.

You will have a report carried out in each block placement. There are 3 block placements, therefore 3 reports at the end of each placement. The reports will be completed by your school based mentor and will provide areas of strength and areas of development for your next placement. In the last placement, the feedback will support your ECT (early career teacher) targets.

You will complete 2 assignments in your teacher training year, one based on your subject and the other will be a research based project.

These will be provided by the University of Birmingham.

As well as our Trinity Institute of Education Leads, you will have a Link Tutor, a school based Mentor and a school based professional mentor.

Our sessions are not lecture theatre style, which means you will develop strong relationships with the peers on our course because of the interaction and activities that take place.

We also have wellbeing and mental health support should a trainee require it.

Still got questions?

If you’d like to chat to one of our course leads, click below and book a call! We’d be happy to assist with anything you need.